The Imperfect Parent
How to Be the Guides Our Children Really Need
Let's be honest, being a parent is a daily challenge. Heck, sometimes it's a
minute-by-minute lesson in patience and restraint, am I right?
If you're already aware that becoming a better parent requires intense and intentional self-healing, then you're well on your way!
As you heal your own trauma, you notice that your children don't trigger you as much, and you feel lighter, happier, more PRESENT!
But, HOW do you actually CHANGE the way you interact
and engage with your children so they have a clear path
to their own lives of joy and abundance?
HOW do you let go of all the previous parenting "rules"
you subscribed to your whole life, and do better?
HOW do you become the parent you wish you had?
In "The Imperfect Parent," I teach:
How to let go of your own childhood wounds by activating your deep healing journey so that you don't pass your trauma down to your kids!
The importance of putting yourself first!
Practical ways to update your parenting portfolio to be the guides your children really need!
REAL ways to engage with your children as smart, and valid magical human beings!
How to release the old warden/prisoner parenting construct & embrace an atmosphere of unconditional love!
How to build a mutual relationship of respect and freedom with your children without losing your parental sovereignty!
How to completely shift your perspective on parent/child roles and codependency!